The Believer’s Religious Duty in Regard to His Conduct
To conform to Christ in regard to conduct (Rom. 12:2)
Paul’s appeal is both negative and positive:
The negative appeal – “Be not conformed to this world.” We as Christians are no longer to walk “according to the course of this world,” Eph. 2:2. We are not to look like, think like, talk like, and act like the people of the world.
The positive appeal – “But be ye transformed.” We as Christians are to be transformed from the pattern of people of this world to follow the pattern of Christ. We are henceforth, from the time of our conversion, to think like, talk like, and walk like Christ, Rom. 13:12-14; Col. 3:9,10.
The way to obey the appeal – “By the renewing of your mind.” Our minds are renewed by increased knowledge of Christ, Eph. 4:23; Col. 3:10. By reading the Bible (the Word of God) we increase in our knowledge of Christ. The more we study the Word, the more we acquire the mind of Christ, and judge things like Christ. From this new mind comes new conduct, conduct conformed to the conduct of Christ (if we think like Christ, we will eventually act like Christ). So, we are changed into the moral image of Christ as we feast on Christ as He is revealed in His Word, II Cor. 3:18; Peter 2:2.
The result of obeying the appeal – “That you may approve that which is good, acceptable, and perfect, that is, the will of God.” If our minds are renewed to think like Christ, we will approve the will of God as being “good” (for us), “acceptable” (to God), and “perfect,” that is perfect to us, with no need for additions or subtractions.
The Believer’s Church Duties (Rom. 12:3-8)
To yield to our bodies to God and use Spiritual gifts contentedly and diligently to advance the Kingdom of God.
Authority of these gifts – “through the grace given unto me.”